Frequently Asked Questions

What are induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)?
Induced pluripotent stem cells are adult cells that have been genetically reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell-like state. This is achieved by forcing the cells to express genes and factors important for maintaining the defining properties of embryonic stem cells.
What are the utilities of iPSCs?
Human iPSCs are unprecedented tools for the study of human development, cell fate programming, tissue regeneration and drug development. They are also used to produce many human system cell types for studying human development and other biological investigations.
What services does the iPSC Core offer?
The RMI iPSC core offers:
How does the iPSC Core generate iPSCs?
The RMI iPSC Core generates "footprint free" iPSCs by transfecting parent cells with non-integrating oriP/EBNA1 plasmids that rely on episomal expression of reprogramming factors.
What tissues can the iPSC Core reprogram?

The RMI iPSC Core can reprogram various human somatic tissues including fibroblast, lymphoblastoid cell lines, corneal epithelial cells, primary keratocytes, adipose stem cells, mammary epithelial cells and whole blood.

How does the iPSC Core culture iPSCs?
Can I request cell lines from the iPSC Core?

Yes, visit the Cell Line page for a list of available cells lines and directions on how to order cells from the core. A Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA) must first be established between Cedars-Sinai and the requesting institution before any cells may be distributed. Each MTA specifies the requesting PI and is only valid for their specific investigation. If an MTA has already been established between institutions, and specifically for your project, an amendment to the original document is required to request additional lines.